In the last six months the real estate market in this part of Los Angeles county, specifically Palmdale and Lancaster, has gone from tepid to hot! For months inventory has been low suddenly creating a sellers market. One agent I work with said it's great to be a listing agent right now, just put your house on the market and stand back, multiple offers are common on low to mid-level priced homes. This uptick seams to be fairly investor driven which makes me wonder how long it's going to last or are we creating our own market bubble?
Howard Hanna - Avon Lake, OH - Avon Lake, OH
Realtor - Avon Lake, Avon, Bay Village, Westlake,
It is a fun time again. Time to sell some homes and help those make some positive moves in their lives
Apr 09, 2013 01:04 PM
Jill Nelson Design Services - Palmdale, CA
Interior Design
Yes, it's time for all those sellers who have been sitting on the sidelines to jump in, it's now time to sell.
Apr 10, 2013 12:28 PM