
Milford, Connecticut has an Earth Day celebration on May 11, 2013

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Connecticut Homes and Commercial Fairfield Cty,CT REB 0788053


Real Estate Milford Connecticut Sunflowers against a blue sky, Clean our environment.


Milford, Connecticut has an Earth Day celebration on May 11, 2013.  There’s a special earth day celebration at Eisenhower park in beautiful Milford, Connecticut, visit the site here.

Milford Connecticut Earth Day May 11, 2013

  The event is all day long  from 8am-4pm.  It’s a great opportunity to introduce green initiatives to children.  This is the only earth we have and we need to respect it and keep it clean. What better way to learn the virtues of pledging green than helping clean up different sites all around Milford, Connecticut.  Is your town doing a special celebration for Mother Earth? Do you have any simple hints to add?



1. reuse and recycle

2. compost food trash

3. boycott large agra businesses who promote gmo’s

4. grow your own fruits and veggies or support your local organic farm

5. teach young people by example

6. don’t use pesticides or toxic cleaners in or around your home apple cider vinegar, white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, lemons and baking soda are nature’s cleaners



Sunflower Photo by: Edward McCain acquired from USDA ARS 

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Team Honeycutt
Allen Tate - Concord, NC

This does seem like the perfect time to make our children aware of green iniatives. They are our future and they should be able to advance this movement in a good way.  Enjoyed your list of nature's cleaners. They are so easy to use and help the enviornment as well.


Apr 12, 2013 01:58 AM
Barbara Todaro
RE/MAX Executive Realty - Happily Retired - Franklin, MA
Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team

Hi Annette..... good localism post for sharing information with folks in Milford Ct....

Apr 12, 2013 02:12 AM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Annette yes this is the only Earth that we have, and we do need to respect it.

By the way that is a perfect picture to represent Spring.

Apr 12, 2013 08:42 AM
Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally

Annette, making people more conscious of saving our environment is a good thing. Good for Milford CT in holding this event to make it's residents more mindful

Apr 12, 2013 09:05 AM
Annette Thor
Connecticut Homes and Commercial Fairfield Cty,CT - Westport, CT
Residential & Commercial Real Estate Broker in CT

Betty, Thanks its so important but we should acknowledge it everyday not once a year.


Barbara, I hope my post helps the turnout.


George,  It felt like an earthy pic George, thanks for supporting.


Ed, thanks anything good in your area for earth day?

Apr 12, 2013 11:20 AM