
"Apple sales outpace birthrate" This should be fun!

Services for Real Estate Pros with Jack of Administrative Trades

Okay, so I know that most people do their searches online, but I just saw a very interesting video on the use of mobile phones. My goodness, I am 28, and after watching this video, I feel 68! I did NOT know that more than 50% of the entire world is younger than 30 years old.  This video says it better than I can. Hope ya'll enjoy!


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Elite Home Sales Team
Elite Home Sales Team OC - Corona del Mar, CA
A Tenacious and Skilled Real Estate Team

Oh no by this I am a very old man.  I better catch up quickly.

Apr 26, 2013 01:11 AM
Jacinda Shedd
Jack of Administrative Trades - Columbus, GA


By your pic, I dont' think you look old at all! But yeah, this video can make you feel anctient!  I complain how rediculous it is to see people GLUED their phones, iPads, etc. in a resturant and then realize that it is quickly becoming the norm!


Apr 26, 2013 01:25 AM