like meeting them face to face. With all of the Internet, advertising of all kinds and phone calls it is clear to me that a good old fashioned hand shake and a "how do- you- do" goes further in finding listings or Buyers in our high tech, low touch world. It is just to easy for folks to say no, be rude or leave you hanging (which is rude) through the e-commerce net work. I'll bet you have noticed this to.
Case in point: I walked into the local sign shop, ordered a sign rider and the owner said "My employee is looking for a Realtor"...I met the employee, learned he had a property to sell and began making plans right on the spot to list and sell the property. I bought the sign, spent $12.00 and determined that this was the least expensive, quality lead I have earned in a long time!
I have spent countless hours attending my web site, sending out email newsletters and mailing fliers or postcards with little to zero results. So, back to basics. I am returning to high touch! I have been making every opportunity to meet people in the field and get the best shot for their business or a referral. I also learn that perhaps I don't want to do business with them which can be just as valuable.
So, this weekend I am spending many hours at our local home builders show attending a booth, circulating through the crowds, seeing familiar aquaintences and I stand to generate more leads and meet more new people then I have met over through Internet or a response from an add some where in the last six months. possibly longer.