
Christie Ranch in Frisco 75033

Real Estate Agent with JP & Associates REALTORS® 0615028
Christie Ranch in Frisco 75033

Christie Ranch is a West Frisco community located just north of Eldorado Parkway on the west side of Teal Parkway.

As you can see from the data below the average selling price per square foot has risen by $11 in 2013 compared to 2011. Also homes are taking less time to sell & are selling for more. All of these are great indicators why now is a great time to list your home for sale.

Christie Ranch January – August 2011

Average selling price per sq. ft $88.00
Average days on market: 115
Average list price to sales price: 96%
Average sales price: $305’000

Christie Ranch January – August 2012

Average selling price per sq. ft $94.00
Average days on market: 85
Average list price to sales price: 97%
Average sales price: $330’000

Christie Ranch January – April 2013

Average selling price per sq. ft $99.00
Average days on market: 48
Average list price to sales price: 96%
Average sales price: $321’000

Price Range: $220's - $490's

Market Info
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Donna Derrick Ponte Vedra Beach, Jax Beach FL
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Great information and great blog! Thanks for sharing!

May 09, 2013 08:49 PM