
It's amazing what we'll go through to close a deal

Real Estate Agent with Charles Reinhart Company

Two days ago I had a closing 30 miles form the office.  32 out and the weather was changing between rain and ice-rain.  Cars were in the ditches and tow truck lights were flashing every other mile. My clients happy we closed but what an ordeal.  It's amazing what we'll go through to close a deal. 

Julie Jalone
MagnumOne Realty - Roseville, CA
Jeff--LOL so true!  Good post. 
Feb 08, 2008 05:54 AM
Karen Webster...Grand Rapids, MI Realtor
5 Star Real Estate, Grand Rapids MI - Grand Rapids, MI
Glad you lived to tell about it, Jeff.  Wednesday was NASTY.
Feb 08, 2008 05:55 AM