
Young Couples in LOVE!

Real Estate Agent with Realty ONE Group

One of the best parts of working Open Houses is the amazing people I meet while hosting them.  Some of my favoritie people are the young couples who stop in and are looking to start a life together.  They are glowing with affection, love & admiration of each other.

Couples in Love

These couples are mapping out their life, wedding, children, education, career, etc.  It's so refreshing to see, hear & guide these young aspiring lovers.  I remember when I was doing just that...and it doesn't seem so long ago.  Only now I can offer my experience, education, enlightenment & guidance. 

Couple in Love

Often I will sit them down & offer my words of wisdom to help inform them of the process of what to expect when purchasing a home.  We talk FICO scores, downpayment, savings, insurance, lifestyle, career, community, childrens education, etc.  The list goes on & on....for it's a lifetime of needs, wants & wishes.  I love helping people achieve their dreams & watching them come into reality.

I pick you
All in all, it reminds me not to take for granted the lifetime relationship I have with my own husband.  It's the little gestures that count, the way you act toward each other & staying well connected to one another.  Thank you young couples for reminding me how precious we are to one another.

Need to SELL...Call NOELLE!
Looking to BUY...Give ME a Try!

I know how to SPOTLIGHTyour home online!

Noelle Hipke
Senior Citizen Real Estate Specialist
Short Sales & Foreclosures