As I have posted before, I am a bit of a hermit. I prefer to stay behind the scenes and support others. So, for me, to be on Facebook, a personal blog or any other type of social media is an excruciating process. I have been working to produce my own “quality content” full of facts, statistics and cool videos, but despite how awesome my posts are, the hits are fairly low. Again, I am just now venturing into this so low stats aren’t really a big deal at this point. Anyways, I am trying not to be discouraged because I know that eventually it will bring in hits and eventually more business.
Yesterday, I was working on research for a new post on the fight for the minimum wage increase in DC—pros and cons, etc. I hit a bit of writer’s block so I jumped on the treadmill and ran my butt off. I promptly determined it was necessary for me to have a Krispy Kreme donut. I ate one. Then I posted the experience on FB. 9 likes and 3 comments. “Donuts…..Donuts… stupid comment about donuts received more attention than my post about small businesses making up 90% of the new jobs created in the United States!!” I then began to look at the posts that were getting THOUSANDS of likes and comments and this is what I found:
Yes, this is the type of stuff that gets shares, likes and comments. For all of you shocked that your thought-provoking, intellectual, brilliant, thorough, well-researched content isn’t getting as much attention as you think it deserves, try not to give up. There are thousands of people who appreciate your hard work. But the mass majority of people like cute pictures, short words and large font. And crap! Who can blame them? Those pics are adorable! The trick is finding people who want or need your content. Hang in there!
A few parting thoughts:
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Ha! Pick one! I gotta go....I need to write an article on donuts!