The ONE Thing Challenge: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
On my second round of reading this book! The mindset shift this book has provided has shown IMMEDIATE, positive results in our lives! Awesome Book.... Important concepts to master. If you haven't already, I highly reccomend you check it out and then, share with your family and friends!
The ONE Thing:
On Friday April 12th I hosted Jay Papasan and Ben Kinney for a discussion about Jay's new book 'The ONE Thing'. Ben and Jay took us through a few of the highlights of the book that directly impact a real estate agent and we talked about a few of the things agents can do to focus themselves, in their business and their lives.
In conjunction with having Jay and Ben join us, the publishers of 'The ONE Thing' were also nice enough to give us a few chapters of the book for everyone to download and get a sense for how Jay (and his co-author Gary Keller) explain that focusing on 'The ONE Thing' can help make everything else in our lives easier. You will find a link to download those chapters below.
Today we'd like to announce a challenge to get everyone thinking about their ONE Thing. The ideas put forth in this book have been used by some of the most successful people from all walks of life, way before Jay and Gary succinctly put the ideas on paper hard drive for this book (paper...ha! I wonder if Jay writes on paper? I doubt it)
Of course Jay would love if you'd buy the book, but even if you don't these chapters will give you some serious food for thought. We hope they get you thinking about habits you can adopt in your life that will make you more efficient and give you some foundation to have more success in your business and in your life.
To get some context for the chapters you are about to read and the overall principles in the book, I would highly encourage you to take 40 minutes to watch the video below. Jay and Ben sat down with ActiveRain and gave some practical applications for real estate agents. These are principles any one of us can put to work in our life and business no matter how small or how large our goals. I've read the book twice already...I've never read a book twice. I've also began to put some of this into action in my own life and in a matter of days can see results.
The Challenge:
Download each chapter of the book. You can find the downloads of the book here:
Download sample chapters of The ONE ThingAfter you read each chapter (it will take you about 15-20 which point you'll probably want to just buy the book and read the other 200 pages), we'd like you to pick one chapter and do a book report on it.
Book report???? I guess that's what I'll call it. Basically I want you to read the chapter and then tell us what you think. One of the chapters is about Multi-tasking. It's from a section of the book that deals with the lies we choose to believe about our own productivity. Essentially Jay and Gary suggest that the ability to multi-task effectively is a lie and it robs you of significant amounts of time and productivity. Your blog post could share that you are as guilty as I am at thinking you are a good multi-tasker and be a mea culpa. Or maybe you could choose to write about something you are going to do to allow yourself to be more focused and stop multi-tasking. Basically read one chapter and tell us what you think or tell us what you were thinking as you read it.
Once you have written your blog post, leave a link to your post in the comment section of this post.
Inside your blog post somewhere, I ask that you link back to this post so that anyone reading your post can also have a chance to participate in the challenge.
The Rules:
Each post submitted to the challenge will earn the author 1,000 ActiveRain points. Posts must be at least 300 words. Take some time to really reflect upon what you've read.
Posts must be submitted by Monday April 29th at 11:59pm Pacific Time (again, in order to submit your post leave a link to your post in the comment section of this post)
Two people will be randomly selected to receive a free copy of 'The ONE Thing' signed by Jay Papasan.
The Video and the Book:As I mentioned above, if you'd like some context for what the book is about and would like to know how the principles in the book could actually help you be more productive in your life and your business, I'd love to have you watch and listen to Jay and Ben chatting with me last week.
Also, if you would like to get your own copy of The ONE Thing, you can jump over to the website and pick up a copy of the book.