Annie's Angels Flatbread Fundraiser...Tuesday May 21st In Hampton NH
Flatbread Company is once again sponsoring Annie's Angels Flatbread Pizza Fundraiser from 5pm to 9pm on Tuesday May 21st at their new 61 High Street, Hampton, NH location. For each large pizza ordered, Flatbread Company donates $3.50 to Annie's Angels and $1.75 for each small size.
Here is your opportunity to help support the efforts of Annie's Angels while discovering the awesome pizza served up Flatbreads style. Expect the ingredients to be local organic produce with free range and clean meats. Flatbreads Company cares about the community by sponsoring fundraising events for local organizations on Tuesdays at each location. If you are looking for a Flatbreads Company near you, they can be found at 11 locations from Portland, Maine to Paia, Hawaii to Whistler, British Columbia.
Annie's Angels is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising funds for Seacoast NH families that cope with cancer, muscular dystrophy, AIDS and other diseases and disabilities.
Annie's Angels Memorial Fund Inc. was founded by Bill and Diane DaGiau in 2007. Their early fundraising events were based on bicycle marathons in which Bill actively participated all over the Northeast. Now they have expanded their fundraising efforts in Seacoast NH to include fashion shows, restaurant events and The Heavenly Ball to raise funds for the NH Muscular Dystrophy Association, AIDS charities, Lion's Club Charities, the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and others.
On May 21st, you have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of families struggling with life threatening diseases and enjoy an evening of great food at the same time. Treat yourself to a fun night out, take some chances on the raffles. You will be glad you did.
For more information on Annie's Angels visit
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