Most home buyers see floor plans as an important tool to use before looking at a home. Floor plans are also seen as the second most important item to look at right after photos. Tablet devices like the Apple iPad and now the Surface by Microsoft are quickly becoming the devices of choice for web browsing. Adding all three things together brought us to the development of ... Plan Gator!
From a purely technical standpoint, Plan Gator is ultralight brilliance in a small foot print. Requiring no heavy Flash coding or no cumbersome frameworks, Plan Gator works it's magic with only a little Javascript and PHP code for the non-windows version and VBScript for the ASP Windows version. The brilliance is Plan Gator comes from the introduction of our own IFPML, Interactive Floor Plan Markup Language, that is used to code the database engine that drives program. IFPML uses but a small handful of powerful statements that set up the program flow throughout the program.
From a users perspective, Plan Gator is friendly and intuitive. For those willing to dive right in and start exploring, they can quickly see that some of the options will dynamically change the menu options revealing new features of the home. A mouse over or a tablet screen tap will reveal why a particular option may not be available. For the user who is not sure where to start there is a short but helpful help screen that will get them quickly on their way. However, the best feature for the user runs invisibly.
Depending on the screen size of the device that the user is using, Plan Gator only sends them as much data as is needed to display on the device. If the user has an iPhone with a screen size of 320×480, Plan Gator resizes all images on the fly to properly fit that screen saving the user valuable bandwidth.
Contact me to see how Plan Gator can help you market your properties!
Hi Harley, stopped by to welcome you to the Rain via Lisa's post. Plan Gator sounds like it would be very useful to a lot of people.
Harley~ First, welcome to Active Rain. Lisa Freidman shared a little bit about you and Plan Gator. Can't wait to learn more about you and the benefits of Plan Gator.
Welcome to Active Rain, Harley!!! I need to give this Plan Gator a try myself. I am always looking to add some new tools to my list. Glad Lisa sent me over here today.
Welcome to Activerain from from all of us at Ken's Home Team. I think you will find this site to be a wealth of knowledge and referrals. This really is the best real estate blogging and real estate network on the internet. If you have any questions about Activerain, reach out to the wonderful Ambassadors here in the rain. (They are a wealth of knowledge and were picked by the Activerain staff for their williness to help others)
Welcome to Activerain and I hope you are learning a lot and if you ever need any assistance, don't hesitate to check out my blog, email me, call me, I will be glad to help you in any way possible. Also, check out the main page of Activerain and look for the Activerain University tab, there are lots of educational webinars to help you build your business.
Will look at what you have to offer. We sketch our measurements out in our brokerage for our own records. Maybe we should capitalize on this with plans.
Harley, Congrats on all of your comments and on meeting some new friends in 'The Rain'.
Thanks to everyone for stopping by to take a look. Special thanks to Lisa for getting me started and cleaning up all of my grammatical errors. I think I may upgrade over to the big boy account and then pay a visit to each of your blogs to see what you're all about!
Welcome and I'd certainly recommend a Rainmaker account. I've gotten a good bit of business from the Google searches people tend to find my blogs on over the past 4.5 years.
Thanks for the advice Tammy. I did do the upgrade. With a new domain name it's hard to get backlinks from other domains and AR seems to rate relatively high for all things real estate.
Hi Harley, I came by way of Lisa's post. Welcome to the rain and congrats on your first blog. Your product sounds great. I'll have to go check it out now.
Hi Harley, guess what - I came by way of Lisa's post; she's some Rainmaker. An interesting product you have designed. I hope it goes well for you and welcome to the Rain!
Thanks ladies. Yup, without Lisa raining down on me I may not have ever written a blog post. Lisa's a one woman storm!
Ooh, I like that name - STORM.
Okay Harley, we're looking for Blog Post Number Two!
The rain often comes before the storm my friend. What if I decide to go way off track on my next blog?
LOL, I really do like that terminology - have to find a way to make that one stick :)
Go for it, we out in Rain Land are curious what it might be?
Welcome to ActiveRain Harley! I came over to your blog via Lisa's post. Congratulations on creating Plan Gator. It looks like it will be very useful.
Welcome Harley. I came over from Lisa's post and glad to know we have a programmer here is ActiveRain. Your program with the floor plan sounds like it would be extememly helpful to many buyers.