Market Trends For Arnold CA Real Estate Home Sales
If you are buying or selling, the knowledge you gain will help ypu put you in control of your real estate transaction when buying or selling a home in Arnold CA or where you choose. To view a full Market report for Arnold CA Real Estate Trends Click here
The Median price for a home listed in Arnold is $269,000 The list price has dropped 1.85 percent from $274.89. The price per square foot is $162
The Median Sale price is $262,000 The number of active listing is up. It has increased by 32% form April the previous month. The medium number of days active is 48 days. The mediem days on market is 59 days. Only 5% or less of sales in Arnod Area is foreclosures or short sales.
To put the market in perspective go to my market report for Arnold. The inventory is up and sales have slowed a bit but after school and graduations are completed the market should pickup a bit to catch up to the growing inventory. I do not expect the market to fall back but move forward as it has with a roar in the Bay Are of California. Again to get up-to-date report on Market Trends Click Here