Home Prices in Wayne PA for June 2013
Real estate market data for Wayne, PA is provided by David Brandschain of Long & Foster.
Wayne Home Prices
We have seen listing prices increase steadily over the last 4 months, as, we examine home prices in Wayne PA. We expect prices to continue to increase in 2013, as, the overall economy continues to improve. If you are considering buying a home, now would be a good time, as the number of available homes is shrinking. This decrease in supply will continue to put upward pressure on prices. So if you have been searching for the bottom in Wayne, it was likely reached in February with sold prices steadily increasing. To make sure that you properly navigate this changing market, you'll want an agent that does a thorough market analysis of the home you are making an offer on and knows how to move decisively. And remember, it is now common for fairly priced homes to receive multiple offers.
Wayne Real Estate Report Summary
The median list price in June for single family homes in Wayne is $684,450. The average list price decreased by 1% from the previous month.
The average price per square foot for listings in this area is $254.
The median sales price in February for single family homes was $479,500. The average sales price increased by 23% from the previous month.
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To find out what your home is worth in the current market email me or call 484-388-1802.