
Drones and Real Estate

Real Estate Agent with Preview Properties, PC -

Drones and Real EstateThis article about an experimental drone system to deliver Domino’s® Pizza caught my eye.  Tongue-in-cheek, I wondered if the pizza was still hot when delivered.  But it made me think about a short excerpt that I saw back in March about drones (technically called ‘unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAV’s) and real estate.

A few real estate professionals have experimented with camera-carrying drones to get wonderful photos of their listings.  And why not?  In the past, if you had a large parcel of land or a magnificent estate, agents would hire small airplanes or helicopters with photographers to get photos that would show the property at its best.  Now, with drones, it can be done quicker and more affordably.

Ah, but there’s a catch. Isn’t there always?

Local law enforcement and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have ordered some drone operators to cease, citing lack of regulations for commercial use - and this is considered a commercial use.  Congress has ordered the FAA to have a plan by September 2015, although it’s expected that there will be guidelines for units that weigh less than 55 lbs or less earlier than that, perhaps by the end of this year.

Still photos are easier to get with a UAV than video footage, due to motion stability issues.  A quick internet search revealed that you can buy a drone from around $100 up to over $5,000.  Some Realtors® cited in the articles say that they paid $700-$900 for theirs.  I guess it’s OK for consumers, but for now, drones and real estate is off limits.

Domino’s® Pizza, which stirred me to write this blog entry, is an early adopter of technology.  They were the first to use an insulated heat bag to keep pizza warm, developed the first corrugated pizza box, and later started the online pizza builder and order tracking service.  For the record, I have no affiliation with them and consider their product ‘alright’.  Not the best pizza I’ve ever eaten, and certainly not the worst.


photo courtesy of victor habbic/

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Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX

Nick, waiting for the authorities to find you out and punish you for not obeying the law probably isn't a good strategy.  These are FAA rules.  If you go fly a plane without a license and no one gets hurt and the authorities don't find out, then all is good, but still not a good stradegty.

What is okay is for hobbiests to fly their remotely concrolled aircraft.  Because of advancements in technology that make cameras smaller and better, they are now putting cameras on these aircraft.  Because of other advancements, these camera toting platforms are becoming easier to fly and therefore more people are using them.  I think they are a great platform for this purpose.

What we need and what I believe the FAA is doing, is crafting rules that keep us all safe.  For example, how large an unmanded craft do you want flying around your neighborghood at the hands of an untrained pilot?  I'm less concerned with his photograph of me in my pack yard as I am his craft crashing into me or my house because he didn't have enough sense to be safe and keep it under control.

I'm sure this will all be worked out eventually.  The government just needs to work a bit faster because we are becomeing impatient.

Jun 09, 2013 08:29 AM
Robert Smith
Preview Properties, PC - - Brighton, MI
SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan

Nick, anything new goes through a period of growing.  Not sure about horses and carts, but certainly a whole series of regulations and proper use guidelines came about because of the automobile.  I can see where the larger UAV's can represent a hazard and need to be regulated.  The smaller ones I think will have a looser set of regs.  Some of them are the size of radio-controlled hobby planes.  If we, as Realtors, use this technology for commerce (selling listings), then I think it is a commercial use. Note that I am not now, have never been, and never will be a lawyer.

Lee, I can see a lot of things happening with untrained 'pilots', including crashes into power lines and transformers causing outages.  I would like the option to have pictures taken from this new platform, however.  Eventually, it'll all work out.


Jun 09, 2013 09:23 PM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX
Robert Smith
Preview Properties, PC - - Brighton, MI
SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan

Never fear!  Common sense will fall prey to over-reaction, one-upsmanship and over-regulation.  Plus, there's a buck to be made in here someplace. . . . . .

Jun 12, 2013 02:45 AM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX

I think the key to what the legislator kept saying is, "without permission."  I'm hoping that taking a photo of a seller's home with his permission will cause this law to be read as legal for the remote aerial photographer.


Who knows?

Jun 13, 2013 12:56 PM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX
Robert Smith
Preview Properties, PC - - Brighton, MI
SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan

Lee, I suspect that we will be seeing more and more articles on this topic.  The dividing line between personal choice and public safety is not easy to define, as much depends on the responsibility of the 'user'. 

Jun 22, 2013 12:02 AM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX
Robert Smith
Preview Properties, PC - - Brighton, MI
SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan

Lee, I believe this will become more of an issue as more tech-adept agents look for ways to distinguish themselves form the competition. I've noted the odd photo on listings that lead me to believe they were taken from  drones.  

Sep 17, 2013 08:17 PM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX
Robert Smith
Preview Properties, PC - - Brighton, MI
SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan

I suspect that this is far from over.  Innovation outpaces regulation time and time again.  Give us a technology and it will be used.  Thanks for passing along, Lee!

Sep 25, 2013 02:00 AM
Sam Miller
RE/MAX Stars Realty - Howard, OH
Knox County Ohio Real Estate Specialist

Drones, balloon and pole photography offers so many advantages when it comes to real estate photo marketing.

May 06, 2014 01:35 PM
Robert Smith
Preview Properties, PC - - Brighton, MI
SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan

Yes they do, Sam.  More recent reports are that it is still illegal for us, as REALTORS, to even hire a company to take videos/pics via a drone at this time.  

May 07, 2014 01:30 AM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX

Robert, illegal?  I thought I had been following all of the developtments on the drone issue.  This is contrary to what I thought I understood.  What law makes hiring a drone operator illegal?  And what law makes operating a drone illegal?

May 08, 2014 03:33 AM
Robert Smith
Preview Properties, PC - - Brighton, MI
SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan

It is still illegal to use drones for commercial purposes, which includes me, or you, hiring a company to take pics/video. Drone use must be licensed by the FAA - and they re not doing that. They are setting up 6 sites to 'study' UAV effects upon the airspace and traffic. Really. Like we'll buy a drone and take it into commercial airspace.

May 08, 2014 05:50 AM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX

The current case precedent is that the FAA cannot enforce a policy that doesn't exist.  The only laws I'm aware of are recently enacted state laws which prohibit certain activities which are not predicated on commercial use of a remote-controlled model aircraft (RCMA).  For example, in Texas it is legal for a broker to us an RCMA to photograph a listing for marketing purposes.  Any person may us an RCMA to photography a property if they have the permission of the property owner.

I don't like using the word "drone" to describe a multi-copter with a camera because that's the kind of vehicle the government uses to drop ordinance on enemy combatants.  RCMA is more accurate anyway.

May 08, 2014 09:44 AM
Robert Smith
Preview Properties, PC - - Brighton, MI
SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan

Lee, I agree with the 'drone' terminology. Technically they are UAV's. And you are absolutely correct about a private citizen being able to use them for private purposes.  As I understand it, though, I as a REALTOR cannot use one or hire a company to take those pictures even with the owner's permission.  Then it becomes 'commercial purposes'.  Why would a REALTOR take such pictures/videos if not to market the listing?  Commercial purpose again.

Definitions, uses and hopefully, common sense will work itself out. 

The whole thing is overly-complicated and ridiculous. I'd rather see a regulation regarding use above a certain height (random example, 100 ft), and when the UAV/RCMA is kept wihtin sight of the operator at all times.  No flight plan/air space issues and we can then use the new technology.  Here's a link I found:

See #3 of the link regarding model/recreational use.


May 09, 2014 01:21 AM
Winston Heverly
Coldwell Banker Access Realty - South Macon, GA

Robert, I  really enjoyed your post this evening, looking forward to others from you in the future.

May 09, 2014 02:18 PM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX

I've been shooting elevated shots of real estate for more than 10 years now.  If the FAA makes the rules for RCMA use too stringent, maybe pole phototgraphy won't be as obsolite as I had thought.

May 10, 2014 12:12 PM
Robert Smith
Preview Properties, PC - - Brighton, MI
SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan

Just saw the cover of the newest Columbia Journalism Review and they have an article on 'drone' use for news gathering.  Full article here

May 10, 2014 11:31 PM