I recently picked up an "Iphone" and was pleasantly surprised at all the features that can assist me while out in the field. This past weekend I held an Open House.While waiting for customers,this phone gave me access to my e-mail,I was able to post up advertising on select sites I use,and send information to "ups" that were callling in on other listings. I have always been an advocate of reinvesting in your business.Think about the edge ,how wonderful it is to be able to immediately assist a customer and client.If I get 1 additional listing or sale or I'm able to expedite a transaction ,then the investment was well worth it. I always insist that our team stay up to date with todays technological advances,reading material and promotional items .Reinvest in your business and see the great successes that follow.
Regards,Ron Molcho ,Managing Broker @ American Homes of S.I.