
Gas Grills and Vinyl Siding Dammage

Home Inspector with Home Inspections of Puget Sound

Damaged vinyl siding from a gas grillIt is BBQ season and I thought it timely to remind people to be careful with you outdoor grill. We see this king of dammage several times a month. 

Gas grills were involved in an average of 7,100 home fires per year. Be especially careful near vinyl siding, it is super easy to melt it if the grill is too close.

I had a neighbor install vinyl siding and the first evening he fired up his grill and melted his 1 day old siding. Good thing he had a few extra pieces.

Be sure to examine your gas grill for leaks or loose fittings, leaks or breaks are the leading factor contributing to gas grill fires. Read more about home fires involving grills here.

Enjoy your summer and happy grilling!


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Kathy Stoltman
Ventura, CA

Ouch, that is a very painful lesson!

Jun 08, 2013 06:22 AM