KOAA 5's PHOTO of the Black Forest Fire
Just below the surface of my thoughts, rages this emotionally-charged reaction about the Black Forest Fire, which has now consumed over 360 homes, displaced nearly 40,000 residents and burned over 15,000 acres of prime real estate in the northern quadrant of Colorado Springs – so far!
And even worse, this just might be the beginning story regarding this furiously burning inferno. Recent reports still indicate that there is 0% containment of the fire, and Black Forest is an ideal location to fuel a wildfire because it is dense with pine trees and rich with deciduous growth.
As one of the survivors of the Waldo Canyon Fire, you might think that I am battle-tested for a repeat performance like the Black Forest Fire, but honestly, I am not. I find myself experiencing nausea, headaches, fatigue, tears and bouts of depression.
Possibly, I might be reacting with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms from the Waldo Canyon Fire, but I really do not want to hold my hand high and admit to having some type of disorder. Besides, many folks I talk to from Colorado Springs are feeling very similarly to me.
What I can tell you as a high-producing sales agent who has sold quite a few properties in the Black Forest and surrounding areas is that my heart aches for our community. This includes those who are directly impacted with the loss of their home, business or animal, as well as those who are displaced, and those responders who are right in the middle of this hot-burning mess trying to stop this highly powerful wildfire.
Yes, I understand that there will be beneficial lessons learned from all of this, including real estate economics of supply and demand ratios. But really, as a real estate professional, I am grieving over the fact that I am going to miss those drives into the luscious forest, finding unique and exquisite properties to those buyers who want to call the Black Forest as their HOME!
What to do next? I am going to encourage others with the richness of my faith, as well as with the generosity of my resources! Please include Colorado Springs, Black Forest, Monument and the surrounding areas in your prayers. Thank you!
Feel free to contact our sales representative at Selley Group Real Estate, LLC: 2139 Chuckwagon Rd, Ste 210 - Colorado Springs, Colorado 80919 - 719. 598. 5101.
All agents affiliated with Selley Group Real Estate, LLC are actively licensed in accordance to the laws of Colorado.
Portions of this article are written by Gordon, as framed by the expressed opinions of Cherise, but not proofread.
By Cherise Selley