
Find the right home quickly and easily

Real Estate Agent with Garceu Realty

A quick search of the Internet for homes in any area will give you a list so long you could never see all of them!!  Yes, it can be frustrating; how do you find the right home right now?   I believe it's out there the first thing to do is talk to a professional that can help you through all the steps.  Why would you be looking at a $500,000 home when your budget is $200,000?  The right home does not have to take forever to find you just have to do the right search and research in the beginning of the process to get the correct information that you need.

The first, and I believe the most important, is know what loan  you qualify for, second where do you want to live, third what style of home are you looking for.  For example, is this your first and is a town home is perfect or do you need a yard for the dog and the kids.

Remember very few, yes the very lucky few start off with their dream home, the best advice is to buy, build equity, sell, buy, build equity, and do it over again.  I am in my third home currently and fortunately it is the home that we will raise our family in. 

On average most homes appreciate 50% over a ten year period.  A home can be one of the best financial investments that you will ever make and home prices have never over the long run depreciated.   I know what you are saying; "the values are down now" yes they are so BUY!!! Because historically they will go back up, and you could make a lot of money.

Deals are out there, don't be the one that wait too long and then prices themselves out of the market.

If you need help selling or finding the right home for you call me, my local cell number is 443-640-5126 or email me at

Kirk Steffes

Garceau Realty

