
It's a Seller’s Market-Why is My Home Still on the Market?

Real Estate Agent with Durham Executive Group - RE/MAX/Results



Woodbury has seen a remarkable recovery. Even the luxury home market in Woodbury is bouncing back. Check out our video about the Wedgewood neighborhood!

Becky and I have seen some amazing things in the past few months; bidding wars, homes selling in a matter of hours, cash offers. These are great for sellers! For buyers, not so much. They and their agents have to work a lot harder to get the home they want.

If you have put your luxury home on the market and it’s not selling, it may be time for some reflection. There are a number of reasons a home might be seeing little activity. 

Condition: Many of today’s buyers do not have the time, money, or desire to do a remodel. If your home needs paint, carpet, or a new roof, that can scare a luxury buyer away with worries about other repairs that may be needed that they don’t see on a walk through. First impressions are important. Keep in mind that fixing these things before selling may not raise your asking price, but could go far in getting a quicker sale.

Staging: Are your personal effects all over the house? You’re planning to move anyway, so start packing. Anything you won’t use in the next 3 months should be packed away and stored somewhere else. You want your home to look as bright and spacious as possible so buyers can imagine their things in your home. Also, consider changing that funky color your teenager wanted to paint the bathroom. When in doubt, there’s no better color than ‘Buy Me Beige’! Consider getting the advice of an accredited home stager, especially if you are in the luxury home bracket.

Flexibility: Are you determined to get your way in the sale of your home because it’s a ‘seller’s market’? It doesn’t always work that way. Be flexible for showing times and be willing to negotiate with prospective buyers. 

Marketing: There’s more to selling a home that just putting it up on the MLS and sticking a sign in your yard. Check in often with your agent to make sure they are keeping your home in the public eye.

Price: Yes, it could be the price. Prices are, indeed, rising, but they are still quite a bit below pre-recession levels (see graph).

Durham Executive Group Durham Executive Group

Also, keep in mind that homes in lower price points are selling faster. Luxury homes are a different animal. There are fewer buyers for them and they take an agent with more skill and experience to market them. But, if you’ve mastered all of the above and your home is still unsold, it may be time to consider a price adjustment. 

John and Becky Durham are Western WI and Minnesota real estate agents with RE/MAX Results and Durham Executive Group.

John Durham - 651-231-2191

Becky Durham - 651-231-2192 


  • Housing statistics and data provided by John and Becky Durham are based on data available as of June 3, 2013. Data comes from the Regional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota, Inc. Data deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Powered by 10K Research and Marketing.


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John and Becky are real estate agents with backgrounds and work experiences that set us apart from our competition. We are both educated with post graduate degrees and have worked in upper bracket professional management positions in both business and educational settings prior to real estate. We know how to work with all social and economic clientele - whether it's a first time buyer, or a multi-million dollar client. We put the emphasis on ‘EXECUTIVE LEVEL' service regardless of the size of the transaction.

Our mission statement embodies putting the client first. We recognize the importance of listening to, and fully understanding our clients' needs and concerns. Each of us brings a unique set of marketable skills with none more important than integrity and honesty. We give our word that there will never be a transaction we are involved with that is not handled with professionalism, honesty, and integrity. Additionally, we pride ourselves on our communication skills and the ability to market and negotiate our client's properties with superior results. In fact, our efforts were recently recognized with an award for our client marketing. This is a prestigious award only a few agents in the Twin Cities receive from the National Association of Realtors and


John and Becky Durham

REMAX Results

604 Bielenberg Drive

Suite 100

Woodbury, MN  55125

Voice (651)231-2191

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Durham Executive Group