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Think and Grow Rich: Real Estate Edition

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Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" is the definitive guide for achieving lasting personal and financial success, with invaluable bonus materials by Harris Real Estate University founders Tim and Julie Harris to help agents apply Napoleon Hill's formula to the real estate industry. Buy It Now on Amazon.Com

When Andrew Carnegie shared the "secret to success" with a young Napoleon Hill, he started the author on a journey of enlightenment that resulted in the publication of "Think and Grow Rich" - the #1 best-selling book of the century on personal wealth and lasting success.

Read by millions across the globe, "Think and Grow Rich" has sold over 70 million copies since it's first printing, and is considered an essential part of the educated businessperson's library.

This edition contains invaluable bonus materials designed specifically for applying Napoleon Hill's formula to the real estate industry, provided by Harris Real Estate University founders Tim & Julie Harris.

Now, more than ever, "Think and Grow Rich" is required reading for any real estate professional looking to succeed in today's fast-paced and challenging marketplace. To learn more, visit the book website online at today!
