
Stucco Homes Need Fogging, Not Painting.

Reblogger Kathy Scipione
Real Estate Agent with Long and Foster Re Inc RS207329

Stucco is a concern on the East Coast.  Fogging sounds as if it might be a much better alternative than painting and should be considered by those who are trying to preserve one of their most precious assets, their home.

Original content by William Johnson

One of the big mistakes homeowners make with California stucco homes where I live is to paint them. Stucco was meant to breath and painting seals the stucco surface and it can't breath so moisture can build up and create some secondary conditions, the least of which could be staining.

Stucco finished homes are very prevalent in California and many other states as well. Stucco can come in many textures and patterns from a stippled sand texture to a troweled knocked down look. And when the stucco need freshening or a new finish, the first thing a homeowner thinks of is that the house needs painting. When REALTORS® consult with homeowners to prepare the home for market this conversation needs to take place to preserve the value and integrity of the original stucco finished home. 

Fogging is a process that re-color coats the original stucco and maintains the porosity of the stucco. Fogging is a cement-based material mixed with water and is applied with a pneumatic sprayer, not unlike what you would think of as a paint sprayer. The nozzles are a bit different but otherwise looks like you are painting. You are applying a cement colored coating ( without the sand) that will adhere to the original texture and give the same or similar texture as what previously existed. 

The damage potential of painting stucco can trap moisture and actually cause the paint to discolor unevenly creating the need to repeat the process within just a few years. And that does even bring into this conversation the big "M" word. A well applied fog coat can last 3 to 4 times longer than paint and breathes just like the original stucco. 

An excellent source for more information on Fog Coating is linked here. It is a great read and a great resource to add to your information when counseling clients when preparing their home for sale or to inform your Buyers at time of purchase. Caring properly for your most expensive asset should be in everyones interest. If you have stucco no matter where you live, check out fog coating before talking to the house painting company that will be all to happy to oblige your request for a clean fresh look on your home by painting it. 

In case your wondering, I learned this lesson first hand and thought if I shared this tip with you, you could prevent the painting error by learning how to preserve and enhance our stucco finished homes. 

If you live in areas that typically have stucco exterior finished homes or if your readers can benefit from this information about fogging vrs painting, please feel free to re-blog the post. 

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 Thank You !

William Johnson, The Vice of San Diego real Estate




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Mike Warren
Real Estate - Colorado Springs, CO

Good repost, Kathy. Thanks for sharing this great information.

Jun 25, 2013 06:43 PM
David Popoff
DMK Real Estate - Darien, CT
Realtor®,SRS, Green ~ Fairfield County, Ct
You learn something everyday here on AR, never knew about fogging thanks.
Jun 25, 2013 08:38 PM
Jeff Pearl
Samson Properties / LIC in VA - Lovettsville, VA
Full Service Full Time Realtor

I would suggest agents not recommend to homeowners that they paint stucco or any type of masonry surfaces. If something looks like it needs attention, owner should consult with a professional in that field. There are many type of stucco coatings. Remember all the rotting problems we had when Dry-vit first got popular on the East coast?

Jun 25, 2013 08:57 PM
William Johnson
Retired - La Jolla, CA
Hi Kathy, Thank you for the re-blog. I am delighted that you are sharing this. The less experienced and run of the mill painters will tell you they have been painting houses for years and never heard of fogging. Sadly, it is testament to the idea that fresh paint looks so good for the short term, the homeowners have not resisted doing it. The only way to actually fix that paint job then is to sandblast it off.
Jun 26, 2013 02:40 AM
Sharon Tara
Sharon Tara Transformations - Portsmouth, NH
Retired New Hampshire Home Stager

I'm in my second stucco home (LOVE stucco) and I wasn't aware of this.  I've forwarded the info to my husband, thanks!

Jul 22, 2013 10:16 PM