Today is a very special day for our nation. Today celebrates the vision of freedom our founding fathers had for our nation. The Fourth of July is a time when family and friends come together to celebrate a vision of freedom from British government. Today will host several events that include barbecues, fireworks,and time with family and friends. Henry County residence will enjoy a host of several events today for the fourth of July. Locally and Nationally today is a day to celebrate our independence claimed in 1776.
Henry County Fourth of July Events
The Square Park will host a ice cream social for Henry county patriots. This event is scheduled for today at the McDonough square at 7pm. If the rain continues into the evening this free event will be held at First Baptist Church. The phone number for the Henry County Hall is (770)957-3915.
The firework extravaganza at Nash Farm Battlefield scheduled for 9:00pm has been rescheduled. The time and date is TBD.
The Atlanta Motor Speed Way hosts Special Thunder with Fireworks and Papa John Pizza. This event begins at 6:15 and the race starts at 7:45.
Fourth of July Hike tonight at 8:30 pm, view the beautiful sunset on top of Panola Mountain. Please register in advance the event costs $7.00 and parking is $5.00. For more info call 770-389-7801.
Enjoy lunch provided by the City of Hampton at McBrayer Park the event begins at 11:00am and ends at 3:00pm. The celebration will include inflatables, a DJ, watermelon eating contest, and games.
Whatever you choose to do enjoy a safe and fun Henry County Fourth of July with friends and family. Rain or shine please take time to reflect on the vision our freedom seekers had for our nation. Share that vision with your children and relatives. We are a blessed nation!
Visit Henry County website for more info