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My passion is to help others find what I've found in moving to Highlands Ranch...a fantastic place to raise a family! Moving to Highlands Ranch was the best decision we've ever made.
Like most people, we started our search on the internet. In 2011, Money Magazine ranked Highlands Ranch the #12 best small city in America and #21 in 2012. Once we got turned on to Highlands Ranch, we started absorbing as much information as we could. What really worked for us was talking to people that had connections there and then taking a scouting trip for ourselves. We were fortunate, we had friends who had friends that lived in Highlands Ranch.
We have three kids ages 11, 10 and 7. Uprooting them from California and the only home they've ever known was not going to be easy. So before we even discussed this as a possibility with them, we wanted to see Highlands Ranch for ourselves. My wife and I hopped on a plane and took three days to drive around and see the town. We also made a point to stop by one of the neighborhood schools for a tour with the Vice Principal. And of course we had to visit one of the four beautiful recreation centers. We were sold! Wow! Kids everywhere...crawling all over the streets. Tons of young families.
A few months later, we took the kids on a trip to Highlands Ranch with us. We toured some homes, took a tour of a school and of course showed them the recreation centers. The main point of the trip was to get them excited about it and give them a visual. Mission accomplished. They also realized that we were going to have twice the size home that we had in California (for 30-50% less).
During the process of moving to Highlands Ranch, I discovered a huge need that I could fill. Through this blog, I'm going to provide as much helpful information about moving to Highlands Ranch that I possibly can. We'll cover lots of topics each week. If I haven't covered something you want to know about, please tell me. I'll be happy to share what I know. Having lived here now six months, I am learning more everyday. I don't pretend to be an expert on the community but I've now met a lot of people who are.
What was difficult for me was going to so many different websites to find information. It would sure be nice if you could just go to one location and find all the core information that you need. So that's what I'm going to try to accomplish for you. I hope that if you are considering moving to Highlands Ranch, this blog will be very useful.