
Bloomfield Twp Michigan Foreclosures

Real Estate Agent with Real Estate One 6501304423

The Charter Township of Bloomfield is home to 41,000 people. Its 26 square miles are distinguished by rolling hills, winding roads, and scenic lakes and streams. Located in Oakland County, Michigan, Bloomfield Township is within easy reach of the area’s major thoroughfares and expressways.


Four public school systems - primarily Bloomfield Hills and Birmingham, and also Avondale and Pontiac - serve residents of the Township, as well as several excellent private and parochial schools.


Demographic information shows that the community’s population is widely diverse and exceptionally well-educated. The median income is one of the highest in the state. As a result of the area’s rich cultural mix, many of the world's religions are represented by places of worship in Bloomfield Township.


Housing choices in Bloomfield Township range from magnificent estates on large lots to affordable homes for first-time buyers. And, occasionally, you can find a great buy on Bloomfield Twp Michigan foreclosures. Because 95% of the Township is residential there is a special emphasis on the needs of homeowners and the popularity of this area is high.


Below is a list of Bloomfield Twp Michigan foreclosures. Currently there are 6 homes on the market with an average price of $205,117. The average time that these Bloomfield Twp Michigan foreclosures have been on market is only 45 days. So, if you are interested in living in one of the best areas in Southeastern Michigan, call me for more information on the homes listed below. I am more than happy to answer any questions you have and/or to make arrangements for you to tour these homes.



3714 SOUTH BLVD  1.1 3 1438 N Y 150X150 70.9318
2434 PARCELLS CIR  2 4 1688 N Y 163X175 77.0142
3566 SOUTH BLVD  2 3 1798 Y Y 150X150 88.9321
6976 WOODBANK DR  3 4 2500 Y Y IRR 83.96
400 KENDRY  2.1 4 2125 Y Y 110X223 117.1764
566 YORKTON LN  2.1 3 1825 N Y .78 ACRE 208.1643




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 My quote of the month:

You are the only person that can really change your life


May life always treat you and your family well.............


Russ Ravary

Real Estate One

"Helping make your next move easier!"

In the Top 2 % of Michigan Realtors

5 star reviews on Zillow, Google, Yelp, Trulia, and Angies List

cell 248-310-6239

Office 248-363-8300

*See what clients are saying about us  and Russ Ravary testimonials

8 websites to help sell your home quicker.  We have helped so many buyers and sellers move.  Read what my past clients have to say about me.  Google "Russ Ravary Zillow" or "Trulia Russ Ravary" or on Yelp or Google.  Also a "Super Service award winner on Angie's list" for helping other clients.   

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By the way if you know somebody else looking to buy or sell a home I always appreciate a referral.




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Ronald DiLalla
Century 21 Discovery DRE 01813824 - Anaheim, CA
No. Orange Cty Real Estate

Hi Russ,  our count here in Fullerton is down to ZERO....

Jul 26, 2013 05:22 AM