1. Find the right real estate company
Your first real estate company is usually the most formative in a realtor's career. Look for a broker who runs an organized, client-focused office with high ethical standards and processes in place for training.
2. Find a Mentor
Find a mentor who matches your style, is open to learning themselves and knows there’s no such thing as a stupid question. Watching them in action will be an invaluable education.
3. Create your business Plan
Do your research and ask your colleagues for help when laying out your first business plan, establishing realistic goals for sales, marketing, spending and professional development
4. Be Realistic
Be tight-fisted with your cash and build your skillset and experience to learn, adapt and build into the realtor you want to become. Slow and steady wins the race.
5. Focus your territory
You can’t do it all not right out of the gate. Focus your energies on your territory and your expertise to find the best listings. Establish strong relationships and start to learn the ins and outs of your area so that you build a deep list of contacts and gather valuable research that you can use right away
6. Build your brand
Aligning yourself with a strong real estate company is the first step for many new realtors but building your own brand is a career-long process that starts on day one. How do you want potential clients and colleagues to view you? What do you want your differentiators to be? Remember that you’re marketing yourself to fellow real estate professionals as well as clients, so be available, attentive and easy to work with
7. Know your stuff
Before you’re faced with your first real estate wrinkle, be sure you know your stuff. Know the relevant documents, disclosures, transaction terms, legal issues and housing laws. If your client has a question and you don’t know the answer, don’t improvise.
8. Establish Productivity
There are a lot of black holes realtors can fall into during the day – moments of inefficiency and distraction that will have you wondering where the day went. Set productivity guidelines for yourself to work smart and manage your time.