Every time I turn on the news the media is boasting about how bad the real estate market is. They give a sermon of how the end is near, they paint the picture of dooms-day, and have everyone up in arms that we are heading into the next great depression.
I can't mention what I do without someone saying, "Yeah it's a bad time for real estate."
Here in Vigo County Indiana we're only down 7.92%* in homes closed. Sale prices of homes are only down 4.37%*. So why do we hear from the media that Nationwide the real estate market is down almost 30%? Where did these numbers come from? Why do we hear about the thousands of real estate agents that are leaving the business? Thousands of real estate agents are always leaving the business. They dip there toes in the business thinking they will get rich and start to see how much work is involved. This line of work is not for everyone; it takes a certain passion. Why do we hear about new construction has come to a halt? I can drive you around town right now and show you some fine examples of new construction.
The truth is that there are areas in our country where the real estate market is looking very bleak but keep in mind that this is a market just like any other. It operates on a pendulum swing. For the last five years it's been to the right. Sellers have been making profits and buyers have been paying. Sellers have been spoiled by the market for the last five years. They have a sense that their house is worth $20,000 more than when they bought it two years ago without any major improvements.
Many sellers are finding that if they sold now they may or may not be able to break even. Sellers in this market need some extra attention in education. Show them how over pricing will cost them more from their bottom line, show them how lowering the price later affects the public perspective of a house, make charts and graphs if you have to, but get them the education so they will feel good about pricing their house appropriately.
Buyers are apprehensive to make a move. Many people are under the impression that it's a "bad time for real estate". Please!, I'm only twenty-eight years old so I don't have to tell you what I was doing in the 80's but I do know how to research my career. The early 80's where a "bad times for real estate". Buyers don't know how easy they have it. In the early 80's interest rates where as high as 19-21%! Today they want to sit back and see if they will fall anymore even with interest rates barley beating out inflation? Don't risk it. Interest rate could quickly climb and then hindsight will be 20/20.
As of today February 15th as I write this blog the interest rate is 5.75%. Buyers need an education as well. Show them how that effects the house payment and show them how if they buy now they will be able to afford more house then if they wait it out. A large part of what we do is education. Keep in mind that they are hearing more about the real estate market from Chicken Little then they are from you. Change that, and change your business.
*Figures are only representative of Vigo County in accordance to Terre Haute Area Association of Realtors 2007 Year End Market Analysis and do not necessarily reflect the figures to your given area. Contact a local REALTOR for statistical information for your own county.