Today I ran the Tomato 5k hosted by the Margaret Maddox YMCA in East Nashville. Mayor Karl Dean was there to start the race.
Although it was exhausting, I had a great time.
First, let me say that I have a new appreciation for the wonderful community of East Nashville.
Many of the homeowners were outside their homes cheering us on as we ran or walked past. Some of them even had water, music and encouragement. In fact, as I ran up the wonderful Woodland street hill, there was a neighbor with two speakers on his front lawn, blasting "Eye of the Tiger!" It made me smile.
Runners were encouraging each other and we all finished feeling very accomplished.
The Tomato Arts Fest will be going on for the remainder of the day today. If you are in town, stop by and see us at the Village Real Estate table.
For more information about participating next year, follow @tomato5k or visit
Mayor Karl Dean starting the race!
Beginning of the kids race!