
Another Staging Success Story!

Home Stager with Platinum Home Designs


This home sat on the market for 6 months---before Staging.

The client was getting anxious. They had already purchased a home in another province, and living there.

Once the listing expired, they hired another agent with a strong marketing plan.

This agent had recommended having the home staged, and the client agreed.

Just under 3 WEEKS after the staging, the home SOLD for 97% OF THE ASKING PRICE!

The client is thrilled that she no longer has dual expenses and can get on with life!

Here are some before and afters.







Julia Fedak, CSP, IRIS
Platinum Home Staging Design

"Design for Living, Design for Selling"

c. 289.260.9404/ b.905.561.1916


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Looks very comfortable there. I have seen in various posts that there is a great value to staging a home. It's convincing the homeowner of that.
Feb 17, 2008 02:33 AM
Looks very comfortable there. I have seen in various posts that there is a great value to staging a home. It's convincing the homeowner of that.
Feb 17, 2008 02:33 AM
Robert L. Brown - Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Real Estate Bellabay Realty, West Mic
Looks very comfortable there. I have seen in various posts that there is a great value to staging a home. It's convincing the homeowner of that.
Feb 17, 2008 02:54 AM
Tina M. Atilho
William Raveis Real Estate - Milford, CT

congratulations and great success story!

Feb 17, 2008 03:09 AM
Melina Tomson
Tomson Burnham, llc Licensed in the State of Oregon - Salem, OR
Principal Broker/Owner, M.S.
Before and afters are so nice.  I just met with a single father yesterday and told him 1) he needed to do some serious cleaning and that 2) we needed to stage the home. 
Feb 17, 2008 03:58 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario
Excellent staging job Julia and those stats are great.  Your photos are terrific.  Do you take them yourself or do you have them done professionally?  Congratulations on the feature too by the way!
Feb 17, 2008 04:13 AM
Joan Whitebook
BHG The Masiello Group - Nashua, NH
Consumer Focused Real Estate Services
Very nice - I guess that one of thing most people are afraid of is the cost.  I have been told that staggers can work within a modest budget.  I definately think it makes a difference and your before and after pictures are a testament to that.  Very nice -- congratulations.
Feb 17, 2008 05:39 AM
Rick Belben
Belben Realty Group - Orlando, FL
Orlando Real Estate - Belben Realty Group
I can see why it sold just 3 weeks after the staging.  What a great job! 
Feb 17, 2008 08:02 AM
Christy Powers
Keller Williams Coastal Area Partners - Pooler, GA
Pooler, Savannah Real Estate Agent
Those after pictures are beautiful. You did a wonderful job. Congratulations on the great work and the feature!
Feb 17, 2008 09:35 AM
Rick Callaham
Team Quintana Real Estate - Spokane, WA
Spokane Realtor
pics look good, keep it up
Feb 17, 2008 02:48 PM
Karen Hubert
Center Stage Design-real estate staging, Ancaster/Hamilton - Ancaster, ON
Home Stager
Beautiful job Julia.  I'm sure the clients will recommend staging to everyone they know.
Feb 18, 2008 05:33 AM
Bob & Carolin Benjamin
Benjamin Realty LLC - Gold Canyon, AZ
East Phoenix Arizona Homes
Really good job. A good transformation. The photos speak and tell the story.
Feb 18, 2008 03:42 PM
Janis Gaines
Staging Sells Eugene Homes - Eugene, OR
Home Stager Eugene OR - The Notably Well-Dressed H

Loved the living room before and after. The floors are beautiful but a bit too "in your face" in the before. The rug soften things (and I'm sure removes some of the echhhhhoooooo, and you can still see enough of the floor coming through.

Then there is the GRAND CANYON between the two bedroom pics. What are people thinking.

Great staging stats. That should help you generate more jobs and the buzz will go around the real estate office.

Feb 18, 2008 04:30 PM
Julia Fedak
Platinum Home Designs - Burlington, ON

Thanks for all the wonderful comments!

Charlene--I took these photos..but I will use a professional photographer at times. Usually, with the design projects. A couple of the Realtors that I work with use a professional photographer and they send the photos on to me. Thanks for the comment.

Now, something I REALLY wanted to address that I hear over and over again...

"it's tough to convince the client".

No doubt it is. I know how difficult it can be when I have been asked to see a client. However, pictures don't lie, and we have stats to support it.

I find that the agents that incorporate a consultation in their marketing package as their "Thank-You" gift to their client, ends up in a win-win situation. I have had challenging clients, but not  one who didn't realize in the end that staging was a must.



Feb 19, 2008 01:50 PM
Cheryl-Anne Priest
Inviting Spaces - Home Staging Calgary - Calgary, AB
Inviting Spaces - Staging Calgary

This looks great - much more warm and inviting.  Having all the furniture in the living room concentrated in the window certainly did not provide a potential buyer with a "feeling" of comfort.  The bedroom before looks like a huge room but so cold and univiting.  You did a great job.

Feb 20, 2008 08:04 AM
Julia Fedak
Platinum Home Designs - Burlington, ON

Thanks, Cheryl Anne--for the comment!

it was sad to have to destage it!

It was fantastic to be a part of the open house...I was able to listen to comments from the potential home buyers. The comments gave absolute credibility to staging! People could envision easily how THEIR furniture could fit in the space, or how they could potentially arrange furniture and decor according to how it was demonstrated. This was the agents first time using staging....and she stated she won't sell another house without it!




Feb 24, 2008 01:48 PM
Janice Sutton
1st Stage Property Transformations - Murrieta, CA
Home Stager - Temecula Murrieta
Great occupied transformation and great home staging statistics!  Glad the home seller was all for staging!  Too bad the first Realtor wasn't as savvy as the second Realtor! 
Feb 24, 2008 01:59 PM
Julia Fedak
Platinum Home Designs - Burlington, ON

Thanks for your comment, Janice!

 Well, news in the neighborhood certainly traveled fast. They saw the house sit on the market for months with the previous agent..then get sold within a few weeks with the new one.

One neighbor said to me, "If I decide to sell, I'll be sure to remember to call Mary"! (the present agent).


Feb 24, 2008 02:42 PM
Susan Peters
Dove Realty Inc. - Seattle, WA
The Better it Looks the Better it Sells


I don't know what it is about you Canadian Stagers, maybe it's the weather or something in the water but you an individual and as a country!

Feb 24, 2008 02:53 PM
Julia Fedak
Platinum Home Designs - Burlington, ON

Thanks, Susan...

It MUST be all this SNOW we get!


Mar 07, 2008 12:48 PM