Which Mobile Apps Make My Life Easier
Which Mobile Apps Make My Life Easier was the question in an ActiveRain blog and contest this month. It didn’t take me long to create a short list.
Top answer was absolutely Evernote. I have this app on my Windows Vista laptop, my android powered Nook HD+, and my Windows 7 smartphone. I have access to it even from a public computer via the Evernote website and with lists of transaction contacts, lockbox codes, and even my favorite wines, I use this app all the time. Best of all – it’s FREE!
Since I’ve also synched up my Outlook to both Google Calendar and Google contacts, I find the Google suite of products very nice to work with as well. Just as with Evernote, they are all available on my disparate platforms and devices, and in a pinch I can use them from a public computer, too. Probably 90% of what I need is available with these few products. And they can be used by any platform.
I have others, of course. The ‘flashlight’ app from htc (my phone manufacturer) has been very useful at times. Mobile Microsoft Office has been an occasional lifesaver, but I still prefer to use a larger screen/device for those types of documents. And my TeleNav GPS Navigator helps many times when my in-car GPS gets confused.
graphic courtesy of kromkrathog/freedigitalphotos.net