Market Report for Brighton Township Michigan
Real estate market data for Brighton Township, MI provided by Bob Smith of Preview Properties, PC
Brighton Township Days on Market
Brighton Township time to sell (days on market or DOM) stands at 42 days as of the end of July 2013. This is a very good time but is partially a reflection of the lower inventory that is available. Serious buyers have likely lost at least one home due to multiple offers and are more likely to go in with a clean, powerful offer to lockup the home they want. Getting an offer accepted before a second (or third, or fourth) one arrives is key. The chart below reflects the average DOM from January 2008 to present.
Brighton Township Real Estate Report Summary
Homes priced at or near their true market value are getting a lot of action early and going into multiple offers. Remember that you may only get one chance at the home you really want to buy. You’ll want an experienced, full-time real estate professional to guide you, to perform a thorough market analysis of any home you’re considering, and to help you through the process of offer, inspection, appraisal and loan approval. Some properties are having issues with appraised values, but generally appraisals are not a huge problem for buyers at this time.
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