
In the Business of Real Estate - Quality trumps Quantity

Services for Real Estate Pros with

With all the talk about “big data”, page views, Google ranking, number of “likes” or “follows”, you’d think that information somehow was more important than the quality aspects of the business; relationships, real lead gen, local branding, customer service, market knowledge and expertise.

Does anyone hire an agent or broker based on their “numbers” or some quantity data point?  I can say that at our shop its never happened. At least that I know of.  I take that back…the more signs we have in the ground the more business we’ll do.

This realization is changing the way we’re looking at our business.  There was a time over the last several years when quantity was important to us.  The growth of social media had us looking for connections, wanting “likes” and “follows”, and spending way too much time assessing our success based on those numbers.

Well, as the year tappers and a new one begins to emerge, we’re going back to basics - maybe it's because the market is better, we don't know yet.  However, that doesn’t mean closing the social media door; it means we’ll be more focused on the things that made us successful in the first place…helping customers buy and sell using the highest quality product we can offer.  For us, that means a local concentration.

Got to admit……it was pretty easy to stop and play with all those new shiny objects, most of which have a gauge based on quantity. For us, it’s all about quality – that includes the marketing efforts of this commentary….

One quality reader beats the heck out of 1,000 skimmers :)

A (very) smart guy offers up an example of the quality/quantity debate – makes sense to me……..

Posted by

Brian Hickey, founder, broker,

Evelyn Johnston
Friends & Neighbors Real Estate - Elkhart, IN
The People You Know, Like and Trust!

 Of course you bring agents onboard according to numbers.  If the most selling agent was looking for a new brokerage in your area you would do what you could to get them there because of their numbers.

Aug 22, 2013 12:06 PM
Brian Hickey - Hinsdale, IL


For us, we would be interested to understand the quality of this "top agents" business...while, as broker-owners the revenue would be great, but we would really not just be looking at the numbers, but the type of business that was being done, with whom and how.

But maybe that's just us - thanks :)

Aug 23, 2013 12:01 AM