New Glarus 2008 Upcoming Events
3/22: Annual Fire Dept. Dinner
4/26: VFW Loyalty Day Parade
5/1: Swiss Historical Village Opens for the Season
5/25: Chalet of Golden Fleece Open by Appointment Only. Call 608-527-2095
5/23-26: Community Fest
6/12: Dairy Queen & Ice Cream Social - Polkafest Tent
6/13-15: 7th Annual Roger Bright Memorial Polkafest
6/27: Lions Chicken BBQ
6/27-29: Heidi Festival
6/28: Taste of New Glarus
7/11-13: Maxwell Street Days
7/12: Community Wide Garage sales
8/2: Fire Dept. 106th Anniversary - Festival & Dance
8/3: Swiss Volksfest (Swiss Independence Day)
8/29-31: Wilhelm Tell Festival
9/27: Kilby Supper (Swiss United Church)
9/26-28: Oktoberfest
9/28: Swiss Historical Village Events
11/21: Lighting of the Community Holiday Tree
12/6: St. Nicholas Day - Holiday Shopping Specials
12/6: Christmas Cookie Sale - Swiss Church
Watch for Additions and Updates on a Regular Basis