Mount Horeb 2008 Upcoming Events
4/25: Village Wide Garage Sale
5/30: Mount Horeb Summer Frolic, Grundahl Park
5/31: Norsk Run, Grundahl Park Shelter
6/6: MHAAA Spring Art Tour, Mount Horeb Area Artists' Studios
6/7: Blue Mound 14 & 25K Trail Run, Blue Mound State Park
6/8: Wisconsin State Parks Open House Day , Blue Mound State Park
6/14: 6th Annual Horribly Hilly Hundreds, Blue Mound State Park
6/21: Little Norway's MidSummer's Eve, Little Norway
7/19: Friends of the Library Pie Sale
8/1: Trollway Daze Sidewalk Sales
8/2: Cave of the Mounds Discovery Tour Weekend
8/14: Chamber Golf Outing, Norsk Golf
Watch for Additions and Updates on a Regular Basis