
2007 Colts Neck Prices sales prices are 2.5% higher than 2006

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Century 21 Mack Morris Iris Lurie

Prices are up for Colts Neck real estate


The average price for a home in Colts Neck for the year ending 2007 was $1,062,233.  There were a total of 94 single family homes sold and closed in Colts Neck according to the Monmouth County Multiple Listing Service.  The average sales price was 2.5% higher than it was the previous year.


The 2007 median price for a Colts Neck home is $862,500.


The average price for a home in Colts Neck for the year ending 2006 was $1,035,585. 

This is a great time to buy real estate in Monmouth County.  Interest rates are below 6% for a fixed rate mortgage.


You can search all the active listings of houses for sale in Colts Neck by visiting  You can also call the CENTURY21 office in Colts Neck by calling

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<!--[endif]-->CENTURY21 Showcase has many agents that live in town and will be glad to help you either sell a house in Colts Neck or help you find your dream home in Colts Neck.




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Gary J. Rocks
Juba Team Realty - Jefferson Township, NJ


That is some pretty interesting information, are the property sales up as well? What is the average days on market for one of these homes?

Feb 17, 2008 01:19 PM
Timothy Schwartz
Century 21 Mack Morris Iris Lurie - Marlboro Twp, NJ
Day on market are not accurate unless you study each listing which can be arranged of course.  There was less volume in 2007 than there was in '06.  
Feb 17, 2008 01:26 PM