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Last week, as Room Parent in my daughter's 5th grade class, I closed a chapter in my life's journey book.  This milestone marked the END of the class parties.  Once the children move on to Dripping Springs Middle School, the organized class Valentine's Party ceases to exist.  A sad rite of passage for the children, but I've never heard one busy parent complain! 

As I watched the children laughing, eating more sweets than a person should physically be allowed to consume in one sitting, and tearing open their Valentine's filled with warm sentiments and even MORE candy artfully attached...I started to wonder.  Is this really the end of all those cute little cards carefully selected to reflect just the right message and then end up crumpled all over the bedroom floor for the vacuum to find?

                          Valentine Box for Class Party - Dripping Springs Elementary- Photo by Jennifer Wright

The Valentines are chosen with care, addressed by hand to each and every member in the class.  (Even those you might not want to sit next to in the lunch room.)  None the less, each one is filled with warm sentiments, hand written, and delivered in person.  Is it really the class Valentine giving gone for good as my daughter heads off to Dripping Springs Middle School next year?

Then it hit me.  It doesn't end in Elementary just BEGINS!  As we instruct these young impressionable children to select, write, and send a hand written valentine to each classmate...we are really instilling the art, practice, and importance of hand written notes...just as we should be doing as PROFESSIONAL REALTORS®.  It doesn't end in Elementary school with Valentines, sending hand written notes continues into our Professional Lives with clients and associates!

Who doesn't love receiving a hand written note filled with appreciation?  This small act of kindness filled with words of affirmation can move mountains.  Long after the letter is gone, they won't remember what it said, but they will remember how it made them FEEL.  This small acknowledgement will build lasting friendships, initiate business relationships, and make YOU feel great in the process.

Now isn't that better than eating the candy? 


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Obeoman Glade Jones - Salt Lake City, UT


Jennifer, is in these small things we find the greatest value.  Thank you for sharing this - it should be a featured post!



Feb 19, 2008 11:22 AM
Jennifer Wright
ZIP Realty - Dripping Springs, TX
REALTOR, Dripping Springs, TX


Thank you!  May the AR Gods agree with your sentiments.


Feb 19, 2008 11:27 AM