The Images Painted by Warner Sallman have always captivated me. In fact I find it difficult to find the right words to describe their beauty as they are absolutely the best I have ever seen that depict something so Heavenly that is not from Heaven but have to be inspired by Heaven.
Deciding which I find the most rewarding, for they are all so unique and beautiful in their own way, is not possible.
I have "The Head of Christ" in my home. I purchased it while going through a antique shop after being drawn to it from the other side of the store and I felt compelled to have it, not for any reason other than it made me feel blessed, humbled, reverent, proud because i know him, he is my king, my saviour, and part of my life. Certainly I am not worshiping the image, but every morning and evening it is another reminder of my faith.
I seem to need my faith more and more these days in all aspects of my life, and particularly in real estate. "GOD" seems to be left at home, or some where else, for so many these days.
Which brings to my mind another of Warner Sallman's master pieces, and it is "Christ At Hearts Door". The subject that he had in painting it was taken from Revelation 3:30 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock....
I often think of this one because throughout the day, there are times I can imagine him there knocking at the door to my heart when I am confronted with a decision where I am torn and I try to decide what "God" would want me to do. I often compare my self to that same situation as "God" but for me I am trying to get through life, trying to be a part of the community, or even tring to be a part of the positive efforts in helping fellow REALTORS achieve and make our profession a more positive impact to our community. Some times I feel like I am knocking so hard, but no one is hearing or listening and then I think, "God" has tried also and keeps trying, I will just keep on trying for his sake as well.
My third favorite is "Christ In The Garden" and the depiction of his compelling prayer he prayed during his last hours and one we all need to pray as well, for each other and everyone in the world.
GOD bless you all