I was recently talking to a man from Sweden. He asked me what I did and I told him I was a Home Stager and gave him my "30 second elevator speech". He said in Sweden they are called "stylists".
Do they call them stylists anywhere else? I like the name. The name has a more creative feel than home stager. To me, "Home Stager" has a "work horse" feel to it. Stylist implies creative transformation but home stager implies furniture mover/rearranger.
Don't get me wrong? I understand all of the different hats that "stagers" have to wear. I'm looking at the public perspective.
Here are the definitions according to Webster:
Main Entry: Pronunciation: \ˈstā-jər\ Function: noun Date: 1570 : an experienced person : veteran
Main Entry:
1 a: a master or model of style; especially : a writer or speaker who is eminent in matters of style b: a person (as a writer or singer) noted for a distinctive style2 a: a person who develops, designs, or advises on styles b: hairstylist
Now, I did not touch-up these definitions- these are the from the dictionary. I think that the Webster definition of "stylist" is a better example of what we do? What do you think? Should "home stagers" try a new name?
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