I have to say I am getting so tired of the pessimistic real estate articles in the local newspapers. It seems that every day there is another article about sub-prime fallout, more foreclosures, people losing their houses/retirement/investment due to overextending. Is there any good news out there?
Well, I keep hearing bits and pieces of good news. A friend who sold his house 2 years ago at a substantial profit is now looking to buy a better place for less. Another colleague is viewing the downturn as an opportunity to buy income properties for a good price.
I know it is hard to get listings, buyers want to do the legwork and look at the internet themselves, but I am optimistic about the future. I love this website for ideas and feedback and I have received great information and ideas.
So, this is my affirmation today:
I will smile at everyone I meet, I will be positive in my outlook and I will not buy into the doom and gloom.
Barbara Singleterry Realtor
Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties
Simi Valley, CA