
Guilderland Schools top 20 in ranking in Graduation Rate

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New York School Districts

Listed below are the New York " Top 20 Districts - Highest Graduation Rates." Click on the school names to view more details about the individual schools that the districts manage.

Top 20 Districts - Highest Graduation Rates
G.R. = Graduation Rate (average for high schools managed)
District Name School Name Town County G.R.
1. Shenendehowa Central Shenendehowa High School Clifton Park Saratoga 99.83%
2. Rockville Centre Union Free South Side High School Rockville Centre Nassau 99.61%
3. Levittown Union Free Div Ave Senior High Levittown Nassau 99.56%
   Levittown Union Free Gen. Douglas Macarthur Senior Levittown Nassau 99.56%
4. Scotia-glenville Central Scotia-glenville Senior Scotia Schenectady 99.54%
5. Roslyn Union Free Roslyn High School Roslyn Heights Nassau 99.52%
6. Jericho Union Free Jericho Senior High Jericho Nassau 99.48%
7. Shoreham-wading River Central Shoreham-wading River Shoreham Suffolk 99.41%
8. Owego-apalachin Central Owego Free Academy Owego Tioga 99.40%
9. Westhill Central Westhill Senior High Syracuse Onondaga 99.40%
10. Syosset Central Syosset Senior High Syosset Nassau 99.33%
11. Babylon Union Free Babylon Junior Senior Babylon Suffolk 99.30%
12. Lindenhurst Union Free Lindenhurst Senior High Lindenhurst Suffolk 99.29%
13. Scarsdale Union Free Scarsdale Senior High Scarsdale Westchester 99.26%
14. Guilderland Central Guilderland High School Guilderland Center Albany 99.20%
15. Ardsley Union Free Ardsley High School Ardsley Westchester 99.19%