
The effects of the Rain, on me.

Home Stager with Gomes Design

The effects of the rain on me.  I am not a writer. I am always amazed at the writings and eloquence of those who share here on the Rain. I have spent time reading and learning.  I have yet to catch up and doubt that I will. I may go into information overload if I tried.   This is one of the effects. 

I also have tried writing some blogs and making some comments and that has lead to the second effect -  my first contact because of the Rain through google search.  Thank you to this community and to the people that are willing to share their experiences, and expertise for the strengthening of each of our professional businesses.

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Marci Toliver
438-4642 - Mauldin, SC
Anderson SC, Spartanburg,Greenville SC, Home Staging

Isabel-Congrats to you!  May it RAIN success for you!  Im often on information overlaod in the rain, AS WELL! 


Feb 21, 2008 02:15 PM
Kimberly Uksik
Independent - Pickering, ON
Home Stager - Durham, Toronto, On.

Here Here Isabel!

I too am amazed sometimes at what people write and the topics.  It makes this palce so interesting.

Feb 21, 2008 10:02 PM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario
Congratulations on your first AR contact Isabel.  That's awesome!  When I saw your blog I just realized I never responded back to your email - I'm really sorry.  I'd love to chat with you too about the RESA local chapters.  Give me a call next week if you're available - any night after 7:00 p.m.  Or, if it's better that I call you, just let me know. 
Feb 22, 2008 12:04 AM
Diana Young
Staging Seattle, King & Snohomish Counties - Edmonds, WA
Hi Isabel,  I'm glad to hear that your blogging on AR is paying off with clients finding you via a Google search!  That hasn't happened to me yet, but I know that I'm showing up with various Google searches and I didn't prior to AR.  I know it's just a matter of time!
Feb 22, 2008 03:47 AM
Kevin McGourty
Realty ONE Group - Phoenix, AZ

Glad to hear how much AR has helped you. I am new so I am looking forward to a similar experience.


May 20, 2008 11:40 AM
Kathy Passarette
Creative Home Expressions - Mount Sinai, NY
L.I. Staging/Decorating

Isabel ~ That's great news!  Keep it up!

May 20, 2008 11:58 AM
Elaine Manes Gage
Home Staging Online Services - Denver, CO
Staging done ONLINE!

Isabel- I am a firm believer that if you can talk, you can write. The greatest thing about blogging is that it is kind of like writing in a diary. No one is going to grade your grammar or spelling, no points off for run-on sentences, you just say what's on your mind! And what do you get for all this fun? Sometimes you make contacts that lead to work! Wow, what a concept! ;)

May 21, 2008 04:35 PM