Well, it's Friday.
I am so darned happy. It appears as though a true miracle has happened.
Everyone that I know and that is on my mailing list, and that are out there on the Internet, your friends and mine alike, (and there are many) have all the money that they need, they have all the clients that they need, their websites are all perfect, and they are making hundreds of sales each and every minute of every day.
They need nothing in their businesses. They need no websites, no search engine ranking work, they need nothing, the world is perfect for them and their business.
I never knew that day would come. So now I can be feeling good in closing down my business DocMurdock as it's no longer needed to help anyone. I can go off and retire and be one happy camper knowing that everyone is taken care of and will never need assistance again.
Is there anyone home!!
That IS the dream.
The reality is that there are so many out there who are going along through the internet without guidance, that are making mistakes and could really use some assistance, but they don't know what to ask for, how to ask for it. So they keep going, keep spending their time on things that don't improve their business, keep going to seminars and taking courses that don't improve their bottomline, all the while knowing that they need help. The internet is a drug, it's addictive, but now you have the option of an INTERVENTION!! One with a PRO that has been there, done that, and seen the light by which you can heal your addiction.
Simply say "I NEED HELP"!! I am here to provide that help, but unfortunately I cannot help everyone for free. I wish that I could. I do give much more than any one of my similar business types on the web do though. This I know. I hear it constantly from people "Why don't you charge more?" "How come you give so much?". What they don't realize is that I love helping people with their problems.
So, when you're ready to speak to your Internet Psychologist, you need to go to:
and sign up for a call. This will be invigorating, non-judgmental, helpful information about YOU, YOUR BUSINESS, and the INTERNET.
You need this call today! Do the Paypal version and get on the phone with me today. In fact because it's FRIDAY and YOU need this call, I will do them until 8PM PST.
Don't wait. Your business is calling you. Your livelyhood is calling you. Are you going to let the phone ring? Or are you going to pick it up and do something about saving both of them along with your sanity in business.
To your success,