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-- How do you restore bad credit? --

Mortgage and Lending with CreditRepairVIP.com Veteran Owned & Operated

A disputed credit listing must be verified as accurate for it to remain on the credit report. If the credit listings contains an error, the credit bureau may simply correct the item, but. very often, disputed credit items cannot be verified because either the creditor either no longer possesses necessary information or does not to go to the effort of verifying it. Furthermore, the investigation must be completed within 30 days or the listing must be removed. For these reasons, properly disputed credit listings are removed from your credit report with remarkable frequency.

At the conclusion of the credit bureau's investigation, a new copy of the credit report is sent to you along with any deletions or improvements. You then mail us the results and we update your file.  The cycle repeats itself at strategic intervals. 

Posted by

Brian C. Aber
Chief Executive Officer
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