Broker/owner, your name, your brand on the sign. It's your name that appears on my commission check. This is your office, those are your employees and I totally get that.
But what I sense you don't get is that all of that is made possible by me - the agent. I am the talent. I am the one you recruited based on my local market knowledge. My skills. My reputation. My expertise. My ability to drive the buyer/sell experience.
I am the one whose name appears on the deals.
In an effort to leverage these skills, the ones that drive our collective partnership, I look to you, the company, to match my efforts with yours. While I'm out in my domain -- the field --performing, I need to know that back here, in the office -- your domain -- you are performing as well. I am referring to the inefficiencies, repetitive marketing tasks and other tasks that would be far more cost effective for us and you if they were all automated. Systems that focus on lead generation, lead incubation, follow up lead management and client care - you know, all the touchpoints that are critical to our collective livelihood.
Without it, I the agent have to perform these tasks myself. Every second I stand in front of a copy machine shoving paper into it, I sense the devaluation of my worth, my merit and my production time. I am a real estate professional earning executive level income. I should be mired in executive task and defer menial ones to automation.
I am the talent. You are my agency.
The way things are set up now, it is not working for me. If you want to keep getting a cut of my commissions start acting like my agent. If this isn't resonating, take a look at how William Morris Agent treat their moneymakers. Look at how top talent managers treat their clients. Their entire focus is promoting their talent. From public side -- their website -- to the private side.
When I go to our brokerages website all I seem to find is information about you and the same property listings that can be found on every other listing website. Where's your imagination, your creativity, your sense of building a brand that differentiates from the other brands who are doing the very thing you are?
Don't you realize what you have? Without us, the talent, you have nothing. By not leveraging us, you squander the single biggest asset of our company. Build your brand around us. The talent!