Welcome to AR Kimberly! Yes AR is fascinating, kind of like a whole little world within itself. You will find loads of articles here that you can use in your business.
For navigating AR, try the links on the sidebar of the Newbie Group. They will take you to other links and answer most of your questions.
I'm still pretty new to AR and I continue to be blown away by all of the incredible thoughts, advice, and information that is available. I highly recommend joining some groups (if you have not already done so). Enjoy!
Great to have you sign up with AR. The network is a no-cost well of info on mortgages, real estate marketing, SEO etc. Another huge benefit is the Internet marketing power it provides to members who blog and participate. Welcome.
Howdy Kimberly
To the Newbies group and the fun world of bloging, learning and networking
in the Active Rain community family.
The knowledge you will find is really out of this world.
Have a good one
Welcome Kimberly- You are going to love it here. Jump right in and get your feet wet, after all you are playing in the rain! One of the best ways to get to know others is to respond to their comments, either the ones they leave for you on your posts or those you leave for them on their posts.
have fun!
Welcome Kim,
Your title jumped right out at me. It seems so true, sometimes you will see an agent with a hundred designations behind thier name and never see them doing any biz, then you will see someone else who doesn't take alot of classes because they are too busy making money!Ha ha. I know your title was refering to something else, but it got my attention, and that is what AR is all about.
Kimberly- Way to go girl, you are off to a great start. Don't you love it? I agree with you its who know more than what you know. Can't wait for your next post!! Have fun
I am jealous you have already got a star, for a star post, I have not got that yet, Lol. keep it up