
Wiki Tiki Tavi?

Real Estate Broker/Owner with

Chant what you may, chant what you must....I hope more realtors fold up their tents since they think the markets a bust!

Yea I know, I hear the news and I say GOOD RIDDANCE to the part timers and cream snatchers that got in the business to take the easy money.  There are so many GOOD real estate agents out there that can do the business no matter what!

I would love to see during this transistion period, the states increase the educational requirments and make it tougher for "non-commited" to jump in and out of our business on a whim.

As always IMHO. 


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I am new but I believe if you love what you do, put the client first and work hard you will make it. Some do get into Real Estate thinking it is so easy, they do not see all the extra work that goes into this career
Feb 25, 2008 11:04 AM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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