[Your help needed. Survey input - click here.]
The American Society for Training and Development reports that the use of technology to deliver training has consistently increased since 2001.
In the most recent State of the Industry Report from ASTD, many organizations reported turning to technology to design, deliver and manage learning and performance functions. Of the average number of hours of learning content available, technology-based delivery methods climbed to 30% by the end of 2006 from about 11.5% in 2001. Even when you break out online delivered methods from other types of technology-delivery methods (like CD-ROM, dedicated-PC, etc.) that figure has increased consistently by nearly eight percentage points from about 16% in 2001.
Not surprisingly, some of the benefits cited include: increased efficiency gains, increased reuse of content, lower costs of delivery and one that I'll add - consistency of content delivery.
So, some of us were curious, how might some of this break down for real estate agents, in general? We decided to ask you.
We'd appreciate your help by taking a short online survey. In return, I'll compile the results and post them here and on RealBlogging.
The survey is anonymous and will ask no personal or company-specific information that will identify you.
To participate, please take about 5 minutes now to take the survey by clicking here or the link at the top of this post.