This is a great question. In the realestate market today people are very worried about the dollar value of their home that they will purchase. A home is their major investment in their future. So I ask the question How much of their house do they really own. ........In buying a home they are looking for ownership even if it is in 30 years...........
What if you could show a client that without changing anything to their income /finances that instead of ownership in 30 yrs and paying double for your home why not show them that they can pay it off and OWN in 8-10 years would't that be a great closing tool and making such a positive difference in a couples lives.
This is a reality . Let me show you how this works. Three yrs ago I had a 30 yr mortgage. We were introduced to this program 16 months ago we now have 8 years left till my husband and I pay off our home. I have owned many homes in my life . We wish we knew about this when we bought our first home.
Contact me at and I will be happy to talk to you.