
Virtual Tours for builders

Services for Real Estate Pros with Pro360 Virtual Tours and Photography

Hello all,

I am new to the Active Rain community and this is my first Blog.  I look forward to learning from all of you.  Hopefully I will be able to add to your experience, too.  My husband and I own Pro360 Virtual Tours and Photography.  We have had some positive feedback and business generated from real estate developers, custom home builders and remodelers.  Last month we cold called a Luxury Townhome complex and produced 3 virtual tours for a few of their model homes.  Later this month we will be shooting 2 custom homes for 1 builder and a few rooms in 2 different homes for a renovation specialist.  These tours are designed for their websites.  The renovation person said he was able to earn business by taking a prospect to our website and showing his renovation work.  Now he wants to have the tours on his own site. 

Has anyone else had success in this area? If you haven't called on these people, they are quite interested in 360 tours because of the detail and the ability to highlight more of the transitions between rooms. 

I look forward to hearing from you....

Lisa Castro

Pro360 Virtual Tours and Photography

Real Tour Vision dealer

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Karen Riede
Realty Executives Chattanooga - Chattanooga, TN
Hi! Welcome to ActiveRain. It sounds like you have a great idea-- especially with builders. I know how hard it can be to showcase a vacant home. Good Luck!
Mar 03, 2008 05:40 AM
Pam Joffe
Solaris Realty - Tampa, FL
Hi Lisa - Welcome to Active Rain, congratulations s on getting the luxury townhome complex to use you. Keep on blogging!
Mar 03, 2008 05:54 AM
John Cobb, REALTOR - Warner Robins Georgia Homes for Sale
Fickling & Company - Warner Robins, GA
Subdivisions, Foreclosures, Real Estate, New Homes

My builder loves my virtual tours. I post my virtual tours I build of his homes on MY website in order to get customers calling ME about building a home with my builder. It is a new site, new virtual tours, but I think it will work out really well. I send the virtual tours to potential customers and try to get presolds for my builder...

Here is a link to my website on custom built homes in Warner Robins GA

Mar 04, 2008 04:28 AM
William McCauley
marketmedia,llc - Lawrence, KS

Well for some strange reason in the Dayton Ohio & Cincinnati area the builders here seem to be morons or something, I can't quite put my finger on it. But about a year ago up here I had been making my rounds to the builders and the HBA to try to find some business, the HBA for the most part had me "removed" from the property and one of the larger builders here had two of their sales ladies held hostage for an afternoon and repetedly raped and beat up for something like 6 hours, well I though for sure this builder would have a real interest in keeping thier model home open online and would love a tool to help keep their staff safe, well the reply I got was less then steller. I tried not let two bad calls turn me off from approaching home builders in my area, but time and time again I was met with rude owners or marketing directors working for these companies and I have long gave up wasting my time fooling with them.

Good to hear someone is having success in that market, must be in a "modern" area and not in the ackbackwards sticks of the buckeye state. Go get um.

Mar 04, 2008 12:59 PM
Lisa Castro
Pro360 Virtual Tours and Photography - Arlington, TX

William, I am sorry you did not have a very positive response in your area.  I will say that we are contacting the small, custom builders. I am speaking with the owners/operators instead of a marketing person.  I have not attempted to contact the Big Dogs in the builder market. 

Mar 05, 2008 01:50 AM
Bobby Goolsby
GA Virtual Tours - Conyers, GA
Hi, I have also had some success with doing virtual tours in new subdivisions.  In addition, I have provided a PanoRider sign that would be post in front of the model home or even custom made to mount on the information mail box.  The URL would point back to the subdivision website showing tours of different models/floor plans and/or specific lots 
Mar 12, 2008 01:04 AM
Brian Benjamin
Visual Graphix - Phoenixville, PA


Great ideas...and you hit the nail on the head in one area...if you're working with the smaller companies, it's best to get in front of the actual decision maker (i.e. the owner) instead of someone who is their marketing geniuses.  But one thing to remember when you do start calling on the "Big Dogs"...just because they say no, it doesn't mean the sale is dead.  A lot of time, you have to cultivate a relationship and see people 3-4 times before they'll start to trust in you and the services you are offering.

Brian Benjamin
Visual Graphix

Mar 18, 2008 05:22 AM
Lisa Castro
Pro360 Virtual Tours and Photography - Arlington, TX
Thanks for the response, Brian.  I agree with you that the big accounts do take time to develop.  They are works in progress.  Before starting this business I had been in outside sales for over 10 years. One of the great things about this business is that when I call on the Decision Maker, I am the DM, too.  We are automatically on an equal level. 
Mar 19, 2008 02:09 AM
Jeff Morrison
Engaging Spaces - Fort Worth, TX
Hi Lisa...I'm not only new to Active Rain too, I also appear to be your competition in the DFW market. I took a look at your site. You guys do great work. And I love that you and your husband are in the business together. This company, Engaging Spaces, was an idea that my wife, an interior designer, finally made a reality in November of last year. We're still slowly earning our customers, but we have been blessed when it comes to dealing with the North Texas home builders. Through a business aquaintance, my first REAL attempt at a 360x180 tour was a sample that I created for the Greater Dallas Home Builders Assoc. Fortunately, I earned their business and was rewarded with the 2008 Big Home Tour, which just wrapped up last weekend. Not only did we get to shoot 15+ luxury homes, we got repeat business from 3 of the builders, an excellent relationship with the Dallas HBA, and a whole bunch of new networking and friends. So, I definitely give two enthusiastic thumbs WAY UP for putting your presence in front of the builders in your area. Many, if not most, are desparate for effective marketing, although I'm sure market size plays into effectiveness. Welcome Lisa. I look forward to growing our businesses together. Active Rain seems to be an invaluable resource for anyone involved in real estate. (Sorry for any typos...I'm using my ape fingers on the Active Rain iPhone app)
May 21, 2009 05:36 PM