As a new agent, I am trying to find ways to "get my name out there" (where ever "out there" is). I have heard and read stories about doing Open Houses.
How it may sometimes be considered the grunt work of being a Realtor.
How it is a great way for people to meet you, pass out some business cards, smile and shake some hands.
You could possibly represent someone who is looking to buy but not represented.
Possibly a nosy neighbor who may want to sell could use your help listing their property.
Mostly, positive and encouraging stories (there are always negative people "out there").
So, recently, I signed up in our Office to help out other Realtors who needed help with Open Houses. I figured, I don't have any listings (yet), so why not give it a try. It doesn't cost me anything but my time, and that fits right into my marketing budget (which is so close to $0, it's not even funny).
I held an Open House for a Realtor out of our Office that needed help, for what ever reason. It was a nice home. Completely remodeled, nice area, and not on the market very long (just a few weeks I think). After four hours, there had only been 2 people come through (I am so glad I had my DVD player with me). The first was a "nosy neighbor" who wasn't in the market for anything, she was just "driving by and wanted to see what it looked like inside". The second, was a couple who had just bought a condo around the corner and "just wanted to see what it looked like inside". Imagine that.
It's a good thing that I don't get discouraged easy.
I have agreed to help out another Realtor this weekend. She has had the property listed for maybe 5 months. It is a condo, in a gated community. She has already held Open Houses, placed an ad in the paper, and other marketing tools.
So, my question is this- What should I be doing differently than my last Open House and her marketing efforts on the property, to make this a productive day?
Please any of my fellow AR members, please share any of your, wisdom, tips, tricks, hints, advice, ideas, anything, that could help not only me, but the next Realtor, as well.