
BRAC RTF - Ft. Bragg and surrounding counties on the verge of growth

Real Estate Agent with ERA Strother Real Estate

Are you in one of the 11 surrounding counties around Ft. Bragg?  The future opportunities for business ventures is at an all time high thanks to a military base closure at Ft. McPherson, Georgia.

Ret. Brig. Gen. Paul Dordal and his BRAC RTF (Base Relocation And Closure Regional Task Force) have been preparing the way for some 25,000 - 40,000 military, contractor and other service providers to converge on this area for close to two years now. 

The meeting at Synder Memorial Baptist Church in Fayetteville on Friday, February 29 confirmed all plans are full steam ahead.  Many specific details were shared on the who, what, when, why and where.  The meeting, as all BRAC RTF meetings go, informed the audience of even the smallest details.  The success of this action is only made possible by the BRAC RTF staff and the countless number of concerned citizen volunteers.

When all is said and done sometime between now and 2011; Ft. Bragg will have more Generals than any other base in the country; save for the Pentagon.  Plans are being drawn up for the redirection of traffic around Ft. Bragg; an entirely new office complex to house the Brass has a budget of over $60 million and federal funds have been allocated to ensure enhanced quaility of life.

For all the details of what BRAC holds for our area; please view

Grand day!
Karen Brown